A History of Tenhou - Part 1

Release history until Tenhou:
June 2000 - 25-year-old Tokyo University School of Engineering Postdoctoral student Shingo "C-Egg" Tsunoda released his first game, a free to play RTS 'Egg Market'.
Egg Market gained a small fanbase, attracting, on average, 30-40 concurrent users. There was a premium membership option for the cost of 1000 JPY per 6 months, premium members had access to replay data, special game modes and the ability to use a unique username in lobby chat.
March 2001 - Shingo boasts about getting his first Suuankou tsumo.
April 2002 - Shingo releases 'Appliguide', a free screen recording program for Windows.
August 2002 - 'Eggzipper' file archiver released.
June 2003 - Appliguide 2.0 released, 1 license cost 49.800 JPY.
December 2003 - 'Virtual Print Studio', a print to file program released.
June 2004 - 'DesktopBridge' remote desktop software released.
August 2004 - Shingo's 2nd game 'TrendStock' released. A trading simulator. It used players' nicknames from Egg Market as commodities. Shingo also released a website design program called 'WebCoEditor'
September 2004 - Shingo releases an RPG programmed in HTML and Javascript 'Landscape Explorer'. It was promptly removed and never spoken about again.
January 2005 - WebCoEditor discontinued.
April 2005 - Sticky note software 'BriefPalette' released and Virtual Print Studio discontinued.
June 2005 - 'ClickFlow' log analysis program for websites released.
August 2005 - Update for DesktopBridge released. Name changed to 'DesktopBridge WebMeeting'
October 2005 - 'FigBox' released. A flash tool to aid in the creation of presentations/diagrams shared on the web.
November 2005 - TrendStock discontinued.
February 2006 - Beta for 'Hanjyukusou (半熟荘)', an online mahjong game, released. Its name was a reference to the popular mahjong server 'Tonpuusou'. The beta of Hankjyukusou featured many rule differences to current day Tenhou:
- Red Fives (1 5man, 2 5pin, 1 5sou)
- Able to chii switch
- No Nagashi Mangan
- No abortive draws
- Headbump - No double/triple ron
August 2006 - Offical service start for Hanjyukusou. Ranking system added, highest rank was 7 dan. There were three lobbies:
Ippan (everyone allowed)
Jyoukyu (1dan+)
GP was a prototype for Tenhou's championship and limited to 2dan place and only open from 9 PM to 2 AM. C-Egg also offered a service to allow other brands to use Hanjyukusou's software with a reskin and their own separate playerbase.
Rules were also adjusted:
- Red Fives choice (1 5man, 2 5pin, 1 5sou)
- Able to chii switch
- Nagashi Mangan added
- Abortive draws added
- 2 han minimum after 5 honba
- Double ron
Hanjyukusou's ranking table on 26/01/07
January 2007 - Eggmarket discontinued.
March 2007 - Hanjyukusou renamed to 'Tenhou'.