24 people!

24 people!

Today was the air date of Saki, so it was no surprise when http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447](http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447) reached its highest player count yet. I hope this trend continues, it’s always nice to get a unranked game.

[IDLE] TACOS Bernd CWX 無双ロイド
[IDLE] easymode クールさん Asomu Ta-kun
[IDLE] イタリアンクモ人 RB-Anon3 SpiralG örr
[IDLE] くるる Beef
[PLAY] Yanderef 11218 csix ramus
[PLAY] ペコカン flatcaek Shaaa (‘___’X)
[PLAY] Taiga Senechal

I’ve heard that there was 27+ people at one point

Also, if you want to talk/get advice if you’re new, please join us in the irc channel

PS: If you know Chinese I recommend you read くるる/Puyo’s blog